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Tax – protecting your interests

Business and corporate tax

Whatever the size of your business, our tax planning service is an integral part of the work we do and we are always looking for ways to reduce your tax liabilities and alert you to possible savings that can be made.

Our services include:

  • Completion and online ixbrl filing of corporation tax and partnership tax returns
  • Tax planning advice
  • Advice on business acquisitions and disposals
  • Determining the most tax effective structure for your business
  • Research and development tax credit claims
  • Capital Allowance claims
  • EIS and Seed EIS schemes
  • Employee share schemes
  • Corporate restructures, mergers and demergers


VAT can be more complicated than any of the other taxes, and the consequences of applying the rules incorrectly can be severe.

We are able to offer detailed advice on how the rules operate and also provide a VAT Health Check service, looking at how you are operating the deduction of VAT and making sure you are maximising your input VAT claims.

We can also assist you in preparing and filing your VAT returns.


HMRC imposes strict deadlines and automatic fines for the late submission of returns. Part of our standard service includes the preparation of your annual tax return together with the calculation of your tax liabilities. If you simply require help with your tax return, our Tax Shop service can provide a fixed price solution to your needs.

In addition to this, we have a fully qualified and experienced tax team who can advise in the following areas:

  • Completion of self-assessment tax returns
  • Income tax planning
  • Capital gains tax planning
  • Inheritance tax planning
  • Trust tax returns and planning

Tax investigations & HMRC Compliance Visit Support

We have considerable expertise in defending clients under enquiry by HMRC, managing enquiries to ensure HMRC adhere to their codes of conduct and that only relevant information is provided.

In addition to supporting you throughout the whole enquiry process, our tax investigation service is fully backed by an insurance policy, under which we can claim the costs of defending clients from tax enquiry. This gives peace of mind that should you be unlucky enough to get an enquiry, you do not have to pay our fees.

Wealth planning

We offer a holistic service and recognise that behind every successful business is a successful team of directors and shareholders. We will always consider your tax and financial affairs alongside that of the business and will look to minimise the tax on profit extraction as part of our annual service. Our team of qualified tax experts can also assist with other areas of wealth planning including inheritance tax, trust planning and capital gains tax including non-business investment assets.

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice or have any questions about our services.

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