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Update about our services & opening hours

Please note that due to the Coronavirus crisis our office is currently closed to visitors and operating with a skeleton staff, supported by a number of others working from home. Our services are being provided as near to normal as possible given the government social distancing guidance. We are therefore not participating in face to face meetings but can offer telephone or various web based options instead. If you need to drop records or paperwork in at the office please telephone ahead of any visit to make specific arrangements.

Our primary goal through this crisis is to provide support and detailed advice to all our clients to help them through such difficult times, whether this is advising on government support or helping with finance applications – do call us if you need any assistance, we are here to help !

Our current hours of business are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm except bank holidays. We are not open late on Thursday evenings until further notice.

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Tweets by Stirk Lambert

