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You can contact us using the details below or by filling out our short contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Stirk Lambert & Co.: Russell Chambers, 61A North Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3DS

T: (01535) 662 686 F: (01535) 610 356 E: 

We are registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Details about our audit registration can be viewed at under the reference number C006058577.

Please note that for quality and training purposes telephone calls may be recorded.


Our office is conveniently located on North Street, in the centre of Keighley, by the four major national banks.

The main entrance is on North Street, opposite HSBC bank and next door to Natwest with our offices on the first, second and third floors above the Ponte Vecchio Italian restaurant (previously called Villa Fiore). A lift to our reception area can also be accessed from the back door situated at the rear of the building (in Temple Row).

We have a car park located opposite the rear of our building in Temple Row – turn off North Street into Russell Street, then immediately left into Temple Row. This is clearly sign posted and strictly for the use of clients visiting our offices. All visitors must report their car registration number to our reception on arrival to avoid a penalty charge. Unauthorised vehicles attract a £100 parking charge (the car park is managed for us by a separate company).

For specific directions please telephone on (01535) 662 686 and we will be glad to help.


Partners: Richard J Hudson FCA, Catherine Hill FCA CTA, Steve McGevor FCCA BA(Hons), Richard Stratton ACA.

